

Luke at College Boy Physicals says,

I had an accident with my Vespa scooter the other morning on my way to work, and I ended up only walking away with some scratches and cuts on my right side of the body. Some idiot on his cell phone turned and didn’t pay attention to me. I didn’t want to take a chance, so I made an appointment to go in to see a doctor. When I showed up to my appointment I had to wait for my name to be called after I gave them all my paperwork. One of the nurses called my name and walked me back to one of the exam rooms where I took a seat on the table. She told me that the doctor would be right in, and she closed the door behind here. At one point I heard someone pick the clipboard up from hanging in the door and then there was a knock at the door. Dr. Toppinbottom came in and introduced himself as he started to look over my chart. I told him a little bit of why I was there and as he went through my paperwork, noticed that there wasn’t a date for the last time I had a physical. The Doc explained to me that he wanted to perform a physical and would also make sure that I was okay from the accident. Having a complete look over from head to toe didn’t sound so bad after what I had just been through, so I said that was fine. (MORE)


Dr. Toppinbottom said that they do things a little differently in that clinic than in most offices and that was because they only focused on males and not women. I said okay and the Doc wanted to start by listening to my heart and lungs. I removed my shirt and the good doctor took a couple of listens to my breathing. Afterward he looked in my ears, eyes, and mouth, and took my blood pressure which was a normal level even after being in an accident. Toppinbottom wanted to do a pelvic exam and so he wanted me to take off my pants, I hopped off the table and stripped down. Taking a seat, the Doc commented on my jockstrap, and I told him that I just practice a lot of sports. Putting on a pair of gloves the Doc was using a pair of black heavy duty gloves. When I asked about them, he told me that they were for doing deep research. He started to feel around my lower pelvic area with his hands moving around my waistband area. Reaching into the jock strip he pulled my cock and balls out and felt around underneath them and to the side. Dr. Toppinbottom asked me how many partners I am typically with, and honestly I just don’t count. (MORE)


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