Dr. Quinn


The doctor at College Boy Physicals says,

Today was my first day at the clinic. I was transferred from another college clinic and I was told to come to this clinic to learn some new methods that Dr. Dick and Dr. Phingerphuk are experimenting with. In the meantime, while I was waiting to meet the other Doctors I was told to take some patients and my first patient of the day was Kevin. Kevin was a typical college frat/jock type boy that picked up a flier that Dr. James passed out on the campus for male students to donate sperm. I think this is something to do with Dr. Dick’s experiment but I’m not sure. The flier reads that the clinic is looking for college students between the ages of 18-21 years old to donate sperm and the student will earn up to $100. (MORE)


Kevin was just one of those students that picked up the flyer and decided to come in and give us a donation and for him to make $100 for his time and effort. Since Kevin hadn’t have an exam in several years I decided to give him a once over. He really didn’t want to get the exam but, since this was an experiment and we were paying him $100 for the donation, I just wanted to make sure he was fit & healthy. I started off by giving him a normal exam checking his heart, nose, throat and eyes and then it was time to examine his penis. Kevin was shy and really thought it was unnecessary for him to do this exam, but I reminded the patient it was he that came into the clinic to donate his sperm. (MORE)


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